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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Article #10

This article review is to look at the OSPI's free software for K-12 classrooms. There are some tools OSPI's website that could be used in my literacy lessons.  The ones that stand out to me are the publishing, reading strategies for online text & graphics, search & research, and storyboard.  These components stand out to me because they are easily implemented into the literacy curriculum.

Some others that I might be able to implement in my classroom would be the audio features and the brainstorm & mindmap. These tools can help students create and practice telling stories as well as writing stories.  Being able to hear your thoughts and ideas can help students comprehend and review in multiple content areas.

Article #9

In this about implementing the Xbox 360 Kinect into the classroom.  I like having the engagement of the students by using new technology but I do not like how technology can take over the importance of the classroom teacher.  The more we use technology in a classroom to teach lessons, the more we hurt our job security.  The teacher needs to be the most important part of the teaching process.  Teachers need to create engaging lessons and connect with the students, not a video game.

I would still use something like the Kinect lessons, but not on a daily basis. The thing I like the most about the article is that they provided the Common Core Standards that correlate with the Kinect activities. Another part of the article that I liked was that the Kinect could be used in multiple content areas.   

Article #8

In this article, there is a discussion about a school district in Arizona that uses very traditional styles of educating their students.  The practices used are similar to what was used over 60 years ago.  The results of this teaching style has been very positive.  The curriculum is very structured and pushes the students be all be above grade level in multiple content areas.

There is controversy, in why it is working.  The school does not even incorporate computer technology until the 6th grade. I feel it is successful do to high parent involvement and the high expectations of the students. Combine those two factors with the tightly structured curriculum, then you will apparently get positive results on standardized tests.

The article stated that the school's goal is to create independent learners.  The students do not work in groups and the discipline strategy immediately calls out the individual student who is not following the rules. The question I have is, will this independent learning translate well into higher education?  In many college courses, the student work cooperatively together in group projects.  Being a member of a team is usually a critical component of employment in today's work force as well.

The teaching style that is implemented in the Arizona school is not for everyone, but that is why I feel it is a private school.  Parents are required to sign up for classroom volunteer hours and pay a fee. The parents of the students are involved in the learning process and want their children to succeed. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Article #7

As a young adult, I am up to date with a majority of new technology that is being used inside and outside of the classroom.  I will be student teaching in the Spring quarter and I am prepared to use the technology available in the classroom and perhaps share with the class some new technology.  Technology is becoming a larger curriculum tool everyday and needs to be understood by all teachers.  I want to always be up to date for my own professional development in every aspect of teaching and technology is a must.  Technology changes faster than any other curriculum tool and I must stay current.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Technologies in ECE Classrooms (Article 6 Review)

Education and technology are becoming intermixed more and more everyday.  I feel that it is necessary for technology to be integrated into the classroom curriculum but it should not be the focus/teacher for the students. The teachers are still the most critical component to a student's learning.  The more we integrate technology, the less the teacher will be needed into the classroom.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012