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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Facebook and School

Should actions that one does outside of school in a non-school functioned activity result in punishment at school?  Do schools have too much authority over our children? These are important questions that are being brought up in schools and in court. In response to this article about two girls that were suspend from school activities because of a picture of them on their Facebook, eating a lollipop.  I feel that the ruling of them being suspended was ridiculous because the picture had nothing to do with school.  The picture was even taken in the summer time when school was not in session...
          I feel that schools have too much authority over the students.  Why do schools not suspend or expel students that are pregnant, you know they were having sex. And sex is pretty much the equivalent to the devil in some peoples' minds. But apparently licking a lollipop in a sexual manner is grounds for expulsion. We need to get our priorities in line here, come on! What one person thinks is rude, disgusting, gross or weird can be a completely normal, everyday occurrence to another.
          We need to have an open mind.  Look at the situation from multiple perspectives.  We were all once crazy, dumb, obnoxious teenagers at some given time.  Was what those girls did really more serious than bullying?  I see bullies everyday when I teach, and I feel that is worse than two girls licking a lollipop and for the most part, those bullies do not get suspended.  The priorities of some school districts and administrators need to change.
          As of right now, the court has ruled for the defendants (the girls) in saying that the school was too vague on their rules.  The judge also added, “Defendant’s showing of actual disruption is extremely weak.”  “In sum, at most, this case involved two complaints from parents and some petty sniping among a group of 15 and 16 year olds.”  Why couldn't the school come up with that decision? I don't know...

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